LIVELOUD: Living out loud

Edmonton just hosted our very first Liveloud concert a week ago. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, the event was a success!!!

My October and early November was just filled with Liveloud, mostly promotions related as it was my service. Let me start this journal by saying that promotion wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be.

I can still remember when our event heads, Niccolo and Kleah called me (separately) right after our MV shout asking if I would be willing to serve as the sister promotions and marketing head. Back in my mind I was contemplating if I will say yes or no; because I was planning to start studying for my licensure exam right after TNC and also for the fact that I haven’t served under promo ever. But I just brushed it off and said yes anyways, comforting myself with the thought that God won’t give me something I won’t be able to do.

After coming back in Edmonton and realizing how busy it will be, I honestly started to stress out. I realized how unskilled I am for this particular service. I am no artist at all, I just like taking photos and videos, but I am no YCOM or SCOM. Making graphics is not my strength either. All I can offer my counterpart during our first online meeting was to help with ideas and do the emails and talk to people. LOL.

It helped me a lot that my counterpart is very affirming and supportive, and I feel blessed to have a very chill and talented team as well. Our brainstorming was always fun, even our CCs for promo and marketing are all out in contacting parishes and clergies. In a way, my stress level only increases when I am working alone.

There were mishaps along the way, but what service doesn’t? It was crazy. Crazy but fun.

In the end, we were able to sell 1100 tickets. That feeling of seeing a lot of people outside of the community joining us during the concert was overwhelming. Priests worshipping with us, dancing and jumping with everyone, it was truly a sight to see. My heart was so full when the concert has ended. Seeing my fellow SFC brothers and sisters from other areas of Alberta driving 4-6 hours to Edmonton just to be with us, I felt the love that this community offers.

When we were all packing up, I found this peace deep in my heart, and heard God telling me to never doubt Him again. He reminded me of those nights when I was feeling incompetent, it was when I found the courage to start doing the graphics. Those days when parish priests are not allowing us to do announcements on Sunday masses, were the moment we thought of another promotion that helped us with our ticket sales. Those unexpected moments where we found ourselves in places where we didn’t really plan to be, but at the end of the night we were able to sell tickets. Those times I doubted if we will be able to use all the promo tickets given to us, ended up we needed more!

Those little miracles, God reminded me that He is always there. Ready to help us get up every time. He just wants us to initiate. Our Father just wants us to move, to enlarge our borders, to say yes, to take a step and start living boldly. To never doubt God whatever He handed something to me. To never question and say “why me”, how can I do it, am I equipped to do it.

Because if God called you, He will equip you.

“Furnish you with all that is good, that you may do his will. May he carry out in you what is pleasing to him through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever [and ever]. Amen.” Hebrews 13:21