Like A Child

In all my years, living, the one thing I had strived to become is the very thing I am now trying to run away from. Independent. Growing up, I always thought I had to make sure I would be strong. Make sure I would be successful in my career and in society. Make sure I’d be able to take care of myself. But over the years, what I had learned to become is what the world wanted, and not what God, the Father, wanted from me.

Recently, I have realized that what He wants is for me to be DEPENDENT. He wants me to be dependent on Him. Yes, He wants me to be strong, successful, and everything else…but in Him. i had focused so much on being independent that I was beginning to lose time with the Lord. I was getting caught up in my successes that I sometimes forgot to give praise to the Lord, for His plans and His will is what made it all happen for me. His love is what paved the path for me. I began to get so caught up that my reason was beginning to fall into the background, and the result… my career… my successes was beginning to pull forth as the reason…

It has been more than a year since I had decided to pull myself away from the obsessions the world portrayed of “self”. Self worth. Self success… its idea of “independence“. Why? Because what the Lord wants is far more simple than the world’s expectations. What He wants is my DEPENDENCE on Him. 

As a child, growing up, getting cuts, scrapes, bruises and all other troubles a child might have had, I immediately came to my father. Papa. Daddy. Dad. And all the many, many, many other names I had for him.Children are the treasures of heaven because they live with an innocent and pure desire to always seek the Father.

“‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of  heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'”
– Matthew 18: 3

God wants me to do the complete opposite of what I thought I had to do all these years. I have to turn away from this idea of independence and become dependent on the Lord. He still needs me to fall and get hurt for it is the only way to get back up and come back stronger, but in order to heal and know where to go and grow. He doesn’t want me to hide and burrow in my sorrows and my world, but to run to Him right away and be enveloped in His love. He wants me to BECOME A CHILD, once more.