Last Minute Service

Last minute-ness in service has had its tendency to pull some strings in me at times… But when I look back to the past year, I can’t help but feel amazed at how the Lord has provided…

RYC 2013…
Sports Praise 2013…
TNC 2013…
Making history at RYC 2014…

…and all of it was so last minute.

Often times have we complained about the “last minute-ness” of things, complaining, whining, feeling frustrated, judgmental, disorganized, etc. But looking back to the victories of these events and the impact it has made for all of those were able to attend PLUS SOME, how can one complain?

Lent has been an amazing experience for me this year. A lot of simple (yet deep) reflections have come out of journeying with Christ in His Passion… and yes, believe it or not… it even comes in comparison to last minute service.

His Passion began in last minute-ness as well. Our Father revealed to His Son that his time was coming only about an hour before it would begin. In the Passion, he even prayed to his Father, “Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me;” and he knew that it had to be done for the sake of our salvation, “nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” An angel then appeared before him, strengthening him for what was to come.

Jesus accepted his cross at the last minute, without complaint, knowing that despite of the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, our Father would be with Him and that there was a plan. THIS IS THE SAME ATTITUDE WE ARE CALLED TO REFLECT. A “yes” without complaint… without conditions… without remorse… but with complete and wholehearted Love. In his Passion, the Son of God said YES to a last minute death. Upon reflection, I’ve come to realize that we must also be as loving and willing and humble to say YES to a last minute death – the constant call to die of self for others, always, for the greater glory of God.

In understanding this, I now understand one more thing. Last minute service, if done and accepted rightfully, can hold no burdens or complaints because to serve (the way we are taught through Jesus and the cross) is to love. And in the words of Blessed Mother Teresa, “Love means sacrifice. And sacrifice, in order to mean something, must have a cost.” Last minute service, as I’ve experienced, brings about an unexpected victory, ALWAYS. So I pray that I will have the strength to ask myself daily, “WHAT IS THE COST?” All I know is REAL LOVE IS PRICELESS…. and if to serve is to love, then already, I know this is answer that will continue to lay out and prove true in faith – with the guidance of my Father – EACH AND EVERY DAY 

Totus Tuus.
Totally Yours.