Larger Than Life

Today I learned a new song at our CFC-Singles for Christ General Assembly. I’ve actually heard it before as my brother covered it for CFC-Youth a couple of years ago (Love you Mike =D) but today was the first time that I was actually able to sing it in worship.

From the rivers to the seas
From the valleys to the peak of the mountains
You are God

From the skies to the stars
From the clouds to the heavens above us
You are God

You are God of this world
I am living
You are God of these dreams
I’ve been longing
You are God of this Life
That I’ve been striving for 
You are Larger than Life

It was a fitting song for this day as we are reminded in the readings from Mass of how powerful, loving and all-knowing the Lord is in our lives. How He is God and how He is greater than anything we could ever bring to Him.

Moses was able to strike upon a rock with his walking staff and bring the Israelites water after they were wandering many days from Egypt. Many questioned where Moses and by extension where the Lord was leading them.

Yet, after seeing this how could they question anymore? 
“Is the LORD in our midst or not?”
Exodus 17:3-7

Again in the Gospel we are reminded of how the Lord knows our hearts and how much we thirst for Him. How only his “water” can sustain us from ever thirsting again. After hearing Jesus speak, the woman knew for her heart to not be restless that she needed to draw closer to Him. John 4:5-42

I know for myself, it is very easy to doubt in my abilities and the path that I am taking. New responsibilities  as an MV, having a full-time job, being a household head, boyfriend, brother and son can be taxing at times. It is easy to make excuses for those different aspects of my life but these readings and this song are a reminder one very important truth. A truth the resounds in the deepest part of my heart. A truth where I know that I can lift all the good and bad things in my life all up to Him and everything will be OK. And that truth is:

God is Greater

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