Just listen

(June 9, 2016)

I have been listening to this song “One Call Away” by Charlie Puth for months now, and even included it in my everyday commute playlist. But it was only last Friday that I saw the pastoral side of the song. I was on my way home after work and decided that I need a song that will make my heart flutter, just because. Unexpectedly, the usual song became something else; it became a conversation with God. Out of the blue, I had an intimate conversation with God in a bus with my earphones on. AMAZING!

All of a sudden, it became a song where God is affirming me how much He loves me. Telling me that He is only one call away; that no one (even superman) can beat Him; that He is our friend, our hope, our savior whenever we feel lost and disheartened. “I just wanna set you free,” Free? Free from our sins! Free from all the earthly materials that we are so wrapped and tangled with; to be free from all concerns, worries and pain that we carry every day. What do we have to do? We just have to call Him. We just have to reconnect with him. How? Through confession, through prayers! How easy is that? We just have to “call” and He will be there to “save the day.” Gaaaahhh!!!!!

There are even lines like “Cause you know I just wanna see you smile.” Gaaahhhh… this just made my heart warm. That God loves us so much that He will allow us to be wherever we are right now, even if this is not His greatest desire/plan for us just yet, because He knows that we are happy at the moment. Because He understands that as humans we doesn’t always understand His ways. Sometimes we think this is it, this is what God wants me to do or to be, but in reality He desires something greater, but because He is gracious, He allows us to savour the moment and be happy. And later on He will reveal his master plan.

He even comforts us and tells us that we are never alone. “No matter where you go, You know you are not alone,” He wants us to feel secured that in times of turmoil and darkness, rest assured and calm our hearts that we never journey alone. That all we need to do is “Run into [My] His arms” and we’ll be home.

Things like this make me feel like I’m in an egg hunt where God allows me to find something when it is time for me to find them. J Small things like this remind me that God speaks to us in different ways everyday. We just have to take time to listen and allow ourselves to see it.