It’s okay to say NO.

It’s been a really long time since I wrote a blog. I’ve just been really busy with so many things, but I know this shouldn’t be an excuse to not write one. This summer has been one of the busiest times of my year, considering all the conferences and events happening. I pretty much said yes to everything that I was asked to do. I said yes to leading Music Ministry for TNC, I said yes to doing a creative for the CFC Conference, I said yes in being a part of the production team for the CFC Conference, I said yes to doing some trainings, and I said yes to so many other things, not only in service but also at work. Praise God for all these opportunities to serve and glorify the Lord, but one thing I learned from it is, sometimes, it’s okay to say no.

Matthew 5:37 Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.

I was reminded by a brother a couple of days ago about the meaning of saying yes. He said, “Saying yes to one thing means saying no to another.” This line actually hit me because I have the habit of just saying yes to everything, even though it seems unrealistic for me to do so, or it will be difficult for me. I think this is what the Lord has been trying to tell me this whole summer. If i said yes to one thing, it means saying no to another. I can’t really say yes to everything because without our NOs our YESs mean nothing.

Saying no to a service doesn’t mean that we are not glorifying the Lord. In fact, we are opening new doors to other people. Our NOs could be their YESs. Or even better, our NOs could be God’s YES to working through us.

Last TNC, one of the messages that struck me was the message given by Kuya Noli. He said during his talk, where our limits end is where God’s grace begins. When we realize that we can’t do something, that’s when God can work through us because we depend not on our own strength but on God’s strength.

Sometimes, saying no to something will allow us to let God do the work. It will allow us to not depend on what we can do but depend on what God wants us to do. Saying no also means that it’s not yet the time that the Lord has planned. It is simply us saying, “No, Lord, I’ll have it Your way, not my way; in Your time, not mine.” Sometimes, saying no is okay.

Lord, please guide our hearts to follow what You want us to follow. Allow our yes be our yes in glorifying you, and our no be our way in allowing You to take control. Amen.