It Begins With LOVE

Love, it is simple. It requires sacrifice.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
– John 3:16

This passage shows us an act of utmost selflessness; of utmost love. God loves us so much that He sacrificed His only Son so that we might be saved. SACRIFICE. We say that love requires sacrifice, but do we really know what this means? Do we really understand the extent of this sacrifice?

“Sacrifice, in order to be genuine, has to empty us of ourselves.”
– Mother Teresa

What I have learned in my mission trip to the Philippines is that sacrifice is not just about enduring. It is not about persevering. It is not about being able to last a few weeks in situations where you are uncomfortable, and enduring it until the 14th day, longing for that haven. Sacrifice is much more than that. It is enduring and persevering and letting go, giving up all that you have if you have to, not knowing what you’ll come back to, but trusting completely in the Lord. During my trip in the Philippines, the Lord truly conditioned not only my body, but my heart and my soul. I have realized that mission must be done with sacrifice in order to be done out of love.

I was taking a shower, thinking about how it would’ve been better to shower the previous day instead of the morning because the water probably wouldn’t have chilled overnight. The chilly night probably made the water colder and that’s why it felt freezing cold. I told myself that it was okay. I would just have to endure it for 2 more days. Then, as soon as I said that, in the midst of all the complaints and the hope of the day the ice cold “tabo” (bucket) showers would come to an end, the Lord truly humbled me and tested me, “You say ‘Endure it for 2 more days.’ The rest of you tell yourselves ‘Endure it for one more week.’ Think of my people! How many of my children do I bring into this world to say ‘It’s okay…endure it…try to get used to it. It will be for the rest of your life…’?? Out of the selfishness and arrogance of others, my children suffer. Erin, If I were to call you right now… If I were to ask you to stay right here with my people and start your mission now, would you do it??” And at that point, all I could say was YES, LORD, I LOVE YOU… I WILL.

I realized, then, that mission is not about enduring or persevering, but it is about BEING. “Being and bringing Christ wherever I am.” Christ came down into earth to BECOME us. He humbled Himself to feel the hardships and pain we felt. If we are called to love one another as He has loved us… to be and bring Him wherever we are, then in order to complete our mission, we are called to love in complete sacrifice as well. Not just the sacrifice of material things or physical things, but to renounce myself and let God fill me.

It was at that moment that I truly realized that mission is about being the people He sends you to, and not enduring what they endure. To be effective missionaries, we must serve His people by being them. By letting go of what makes us comfortable and being ready to dive into the uncomfortable because it is there, in that sacrifice (of self), that we will find God. It is there that we will find unity, and it is there that we can truly bring His love…one person at a time.

It begins with LOVE.