
“Love is inconvenient.”

Today at Mass Fr. Martin recalled the story of the parish deacon giving the homily and starting it with those words much to his and the parishioners surprise.

It is a great inconvenience to love. But the truest love, often comes from the greatest inconvenience. It is never convenient to lay down your life for the other, but Jesus’ commands us to do just that ‘…Love one another as I have loved you’ (John 15:12). How did Jesus love us? By dying for us. By giving His life for us. By suffering the greatest inconvenience and showing us the authenticity and purity of His love.

I look back, and reflect on my week and realize the times God has been giving me opportunities to love out of inconvenience. These moments are truly humbling, to put others before you, no matter how inconvenient it is for yourself.

Putting others before yourself does not mean you are putting yourself second and the others first, rather, you are putting God first. You are acknowledging that the love Jesus has for us surpasses any need to be comfortable, and looks to help those in need of this love.

Remembering that

love is inconvenient,

this love is the Love that Christ Jesus has for us, and

these inconveniences can purify my love,

will help my growth as a mission volunteer, and as a daughter of Love.