In Transit

Dated: February 8th, 2013

"But in accordance with His promise, we wait for new heavens and a new heart, where righteousness is at home. "  2 Peter 3:13
“But in accordance with His promise, we wait for new heavens and a new heart, where righteousness is at home. ” 2 Peter 3:13

At some point (or for some potentially often) in the Mission, there will be that random trip where, for some reason,  you find yourself in an adventure to get to your Mission Area…with the Transit system as your playground.

I found myself navigating myself through the intricacies of GTA’s TTC and Go System las Friday, post-snow storm, on the way to the bus station for a Mission trip to Ottawa.  Ducking crowds,reading signs, consulting schedules (hoping and praying it’s the “right bus”), speaking to friendly security officers, acclimating myself to the temperatures to-and-from the outside and the stations.  The adrenaline’s rushing, mental faculties are on alert, and the soul is praying “Mother of Perpetual HELP, direct my [literal] wandering feet aright”! Lord, help me to see.  Lord help me hear. Where are You leading me next?

The Lord is constantly responding, answering to our every prayer, whether outwardly or inwardly expressed, the question is whether we hear or whole heartedly acknowledge the answer? Truly, “God never ceases to be a Father to His children” (St-Anthony of Padua).  In the daily grind of life, this is an important truth to cling to, but as a Missionary I’ve come to know…that is it an actual and essential hard skill needed for the “job” (haa). We’ve got no literal office or department to report to, but we do have a literal Boss that directs us through the skill of Listening.

Indeed,there are so many voices with different expectations (including your own).  So many places one can be. So many deliverables to accomplish.  As we venture, and respond to His leading, it’s a physical, mental and spiritual workout.  But eventually, we find yourself fully seated on the bus of your final destination, and with a deep sigh, we can exclaim “Lord, thank you for adventuring with me”.  These are the priceless and rewarding moments that come with Mission work. I have everything I need.

Lord, You are my divine companion. I thank you for the adventures we constantly live together. 

Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!