In the West the Sun Sets

In the east the sun rises


I’m a cryer.

At eTNC Jesus Expo when Eastern CFC-Youth Canada witnessed the Rodriguez family on stage to display their water into wine experience, I was brought to tears.

It seems to be that in moments of extreme natural beauty my emotions are overwhelmed which allows me and my lovely brain to temporarily bypass my usual management of emotions.

I spent the last 8 days in Vancouver with Montréal’s Area Head/travel buddy, John Magtibay and my fellow Canadien MV/significant other of 8+ years, Hannah Pambuan. Originally this trip was supposed to be a solo affair because I was temporarily relocated to a Vancouver branch for work, but praise God that I was blessed with loving companions.

In a random turn of events, the three of us ended up being lucky enough to make day trips to Seattle as well as Whistler during the week with another fellow MV/#bestfriend, Nica Agregado. At the peak of Whistler Mountain I met God.


Normally, the emotional side of me would’ve taken time to slow down and just soak in the natural beauty around me, but while on top of Whistler Mountain we were pressed for time and busy taking loads of pictures, and so… sadly, I wasn’t able to cry.

After our adventure on Whistler Mountain, John, Hannah and myself took a very literal plunge and went bungee jumping. John went first, Hannah went second, and finally it was my turn. As the bungee instructor counted backwards… three, two, one, I jumped on cue with no hesitation.

I think I’m desperate to experience the Lord.

As we were driving south back to Surrey on highway 1, John, Nica and Hannah were in a constant state of awe from the view that was presented to the west. The setting sun was still peeking through the mountains, which caused an amazing contrast of shadow and light. As the driver I only caught glimpses of this natural wonder that occurs daily on the west coast, but it was enough to make me shed a single tear.

There’s something special about the way the sun sets in the west, it does so gradually and beautifully, until it reaches it’s natural end.


In the west the sun sets.

Special thanks to the Aguilar family. You guys represent the beauty of our community.

– Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries”

2 thoughts on “In the West the Sun Sets”

  1. God is working wonders in you Jesse Roca, whether you realize it or not. You have such a specific writing voice in all your reflections that I’ve grown quite accustomed to. Praise God for allowing me to journey with you through this Program! I really do honour you for being the last man standing out here in the East. Lord knows how much we need men to go beyond their comforts and just be vulnerable. Be more human. What an awesome role model you have been. Thank you for sharing these moments of joy. I find myself basking in God’s good graces everytime I read your work. Keep swimming, brother J~

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