In SILENCE He speaks.

I feel like I’ve been very busy these past few months. Literally, right after the year started, I was very busy. I thought I had time for everything, but little did I know, I didn’t have much time for Him. There were so many instances where He was asking me to make more time for Him. I remember a couple of priests told me to either spend 15 minutes in silence with Him, or just spend more time with Him. Did I listen? Maybe on the first couple of days. Then what?    I was distracted again. I was a little too worried of what’s happening around me, from getting a new job to all the RYC preparations. I felt like I was just surrounded with all worldly noises that I couldn’t hear His voice anymore…or more so, I didn’t give enough time to listen to Him anymore.


But praise God for He didn’t give up on me. Last Thursday, I was heading to our Tech Rehearsal for RYC. I was so stressed. I worried too much. He knew that I would not spend more time with Him, so communicated to me through SILENCE. I was crossing the street, when all of a sudden, I saw a baby looking at me and smiling at me. Literally, prior to encountering the baby, I had so many things on my mind..but when I saw him, all I can say was, Thank you Lord! The smile that the baby gave me was just a reminder of the Lord for me. That everything’s gonna be okay. I don’t have to worry. He didn’t say a word, but with that little smile, He made me realise so many things. He showed me how important it is to spend time with Him. He made me realise that He misses me as much as I miss Him.


What’s funny was right after RYC, I completely lost my voice. It’s the first time this has ever happened to me – to have no voice at all. Up until now, I still don’t have one. But Praise God! I feel like He’s telling me, “My child, now just listen.” He’s probably like, there, you don’t have choice but to just listen. And I am not gonna lie, I’ve never felt so good to just listen…to just be just spend more time again with Him for in silence, He truly does speak.


Lord, please teach me to listen more to Your voice rather than the noises of the world. Allow me to have more open heart, mind, and soul for your humble servant’s here to listen. Amen.