In Christ

The past week has been so hectic. Fall semester started, new friends have moved in a few blocks away, a couple MVs (and their friend) are visiting, and there are still one on ones, regular service meetings, general assemblies and CFC-Youth events, plus family gatherings and celebrations and planning meetings. I am pooped.

But God has really shown me that I am so well taken care of and loved. It has been so obvious that His love for me is unbounded and never-failing. He has shown His face through the love of my brothers and sisters, and for this, I am truly grateful. I already know this semester is going to be hard – I have five fourth-year courses with demanding workloads. And for the past few weeks I have been so fearful. I have been so unsure that I will be able to make it through successfully. But God has made it clear that through Him, I can do all things.

My God is everywhere – in the laughter during late nights under the stars, in singing in the middle of public parks, in gatherings around the snack table, and in my studies. His love conquers all fears and fills all the darkness. And with Him I will make it through.