I’m called Beloved

I remember being in adoration before leaving for Vancouver just a little over two weeks ago. I looked upon Jesus and thought to myself “why do you Love me?”.

It was an honest question, I imagined myself as a child and how I would look at myself if I was my own Father. I would actually be very disappointed in myself. I would be frustrated and angry because of how imperfect and how much of a sinner I am. People tell me I’m too hard on myself but I’m just being real.

I know my sin and my imperfections, the only one that probably knows these things better than myself is God.

Then why? Why is it that when I look at Him in adoration I feel no disappointment, anger, or frustration?

Why is it that there is only Love looking back at me?

If there is anything I’ve learned serving the CFC- Youth/SFC and the CFC Conferences it’s that He simply chose to Love me, He chose to call me beloved fully knowing who I am and how I would hurt Him.

It was God’s choice to Love us and I think that is the single biggest blessing that has ever been freely given to us as His children.

God does not need a reason to Love us, he Loves us simply because that is the nature of His Love.

We see Him rise in our darkest moments and our highest victories simply because he Loves us with a:

A Love so intense it ignites us

A Love so overwhelming it conquers our hearts

A Love so pure it overcomes ALL our sin

Truly we are blessed in belonging to a God who Loves us so completely, intimately, and unconditionally.

Praise God!

Published by

Niccolo Arboleda

A hopeful romantic who finds true Love in Jesus Christ.