I Will > I Want

One of the realizations that I had after our retreat is the importance of the “will” than the “want”

  • Will entails a decision while want is just a consideration
  • Will is willing to sacrifice while want can be foregone
  • Will gets to the destination while want can be dreaming of the vacation
  • Will fuels the spirit while want can be not refueled
  • Will never give up while want can be given away
  • Will doesn’t get tired while want seeks the easy way
  • Will does everything to make it happen while want does only few things to make it happen
  • Will understands the heart and spirit behind while want doesn’t
  • Will sinks into the very core of the heart while want stays to the lens of the eyes.
  • Will honours higher authority, wants honours self
  • Will is when we want to live with while want is we can live without.



“Lord you are God of infinite chances, You are considerate and kind. You know the state of my heart right now. You know my past and my future. You are there ahead of me. Lord God teach me to desire what you will more than what I want. May I learn from your son the humility and trust to be able to say, “Not my will but your will be done.” Amen”



Philippians 1:29

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