I, My Backpack and My Bible

“There will come a time, you will need to learn how to pastor yourself.” These were the words I remember from one of my FTPW leaders when I was still in my first years of full time mission. It came more real to me when I was assigned in different areas, alone. Some YFCs would ask me if where I am and I would reply that I am in the bus on the way to another province. * They would then ask if who I am with, and I would reply, “I, my backpack and my bible.” And, I would laugh at it at times remembering how I was actually enjoying the mission. Yes, there were times that it was difficult, because I need a partner in mission and I need some guidance from at least someone near. However, such things never happen all the time.

The reality of fulltime mission is that there will be times that we will just be alone, (Though we are with Christ). It is in these times, when no one is there to affirm me that the bible in my backpack becomes my best affirmation, mass and adoration becomes my greatest consolation and the rosary in my pocket becomes the best thing to hold on to when no one else is there.

Missionaries can never be spoiled brats, always in need of one on ones, and constant affirmation from mentors and other missionaries. Yes, we need those things, but we need to stand alone in Christ. We should be able to stand up, live up to our faith even without others pastoring us all the time. We need to work out, read spiritual books, watch, learn and pray.

*I was assigned as region head and island head in different areas in the Philippines. There was only one region head, no mission partner.