How should I respond?

On the way to the doctor’s office, my brother and I shared a funny conversation in the car…

When I arrived back in Canada, I shared about my experience in the Philippines: how inspiring it was and how, at the same time, it became a huge challenge for me. I spent a good chunk of my time back home sharing about how humbling my trip was and how the Lord granted me the grace to be able to see every experience as a tremendous blessing, be it positive or negative… and yet, the second I stepped onto Canadian soil and the moment that I got sick, my immediate response was a series of whiny complaints coupled with a very animated and dramatic “Why God, why?” (waving fists and everything).

We had a good laugh about it and treated it as a funny observation, but thinking about it now,it got me thinking…

Why is it is so difficult to respond with faith when we are in the comfort of our own home, or just comfortable in general?

I remember asking a sister about this, and one thing that she shared was that the real mission is back here at home and within ourselves. I definitely agree, and I never realized this until now. More often than not, when my life is shrouded in comfort, I always respond to my own personal challenges with discouragement rather than faith, especially when things don’t go my way. I hope that in this journey of discernment, the Lord will teach me to always respond with faith.


In the midst of joy, comfort, sadness, anxiety, or whatever may stir my heart… I pray that I may always respond with faith.