How do you know…

when God is talking to you?

I am sure that this is a question many people ask themselves and others who pray. I remember at my first camp, there was a person sharing about how “God talks to them”.

I remember thinking that these people were crazy. How could one just say this without any proof.  This was at a time where I did not understand the concept of prayer. Prayer to me at the time was just saying words that I have been taught to say when I am around others who are praying. I guess you could say I was never really taught how to pray, or talk with God.

When I was introduced to prayer as a conversation with God, that’s when my prayer life started to change. When I started praying to God as a friend, that is when I started to see God more.

I guess you could say that my prayer life started to evolve. And that’s when I realized that God has been talking to me ever since I was a child. He would speak to me through my family and my friends. He would speak to me through the relationship I have with my brother when we were younger. He would speak to me through the television shows that I watched back in the day. As a teenager, God would speak to me through my teachers and friends at school.

As I got older I realized that God speaks to me the most through the bible and other spiritual readings, by praying the lectio divina I can see that God can speak to me, even if He just wanted me to see one word. How amazing is our God that he just needs one word to communicate with me.

Ever since I started to pray more faithfully, that’s when I knew God is always around me.

Some may say that praying is for crazy people, but when you truly understand prayer and what it can do, you will see that prayer is the most beautiful thing that you can do.


Published by

Rey Marc Viray-Regalado

Hi :) My name is Rey Marc. I currently serve in the Metro Region as a Mission Volunteer & as YCOM Area Head for the GTA.