How do you explain Mission (being a Missionary)?

One random day, just met someone new:

Random person: “So what is it that you do?”

Me: “I’m a full-time pastoral worker for CFC-Youth. I’m…[with God-fearing conviction] a MISSIONARY.”

Random person: “Missionary? Oh wow, that’s awesome. So what kind of things do you do? Are you on leave?”

Me: [confused] “On leave?”

Random person: “Yeah, don’t you go to Africa, or something?”

Me: [recoiling] “Ohhhh, no I don’t.  [prays, internally refocuses]. It’s kind of the modern day kind. I work with youth in different parishes…”

This was a dialogue I got a couple of times in trying to explain Full-Time Pastoral/Mission work to someone. In this day and age, nothing is an easy explanation, especially with anything related to being a Missionary, usually taking a couple more sentences aside from “I do mission work.”.

This becomes really evident when it comes to explaining Mission to loved ones.  I find that in those situations, not only am I faced with explaining the ambiguous nature of Mission, but having to tackle all the questions that will reassure them…that I am not jeopardizing my life plan. About three years ago:

Me: “Mom, I think I want to do Full-Time work.”

Mom: “What is this Full-Time work?”

Me: [discerning] “Like what Arnold did? Kinda like working for YFC, full time. [In “hyping up” voice].  You get to…[insert sharing of the day: anything from “plan Conferences”, “changing people’s lives”, “fly on planes”, etc.].

A year later:

Mom: “Ah…you get to travel, eh? Ok, do that.  I did also when I was younger.  Go for it. I also know this makes you happy.” 

Sharing and explaining Mission may be unpredictable and uncomfortable, but choosing to weather all of it, the posture taken, describes perfectly what a Missionary does: to Witness to Him, no matter what.  God, in turn, never leaves us hanging.  In every situation, I’ve found that He inspires, in a timely manner:

  • Some sort of DESIRE to witness: to something that is ultimately GOOD, despite this good being totally, incomprehensible.  Which makes sense…the Call (and the One who calls) is beyond ourselves.
  • COURAGE to do so: despite the sum of all fears and doubts, we find ourselves talking about Mission to that person/group anyway.

Witnessing is an active LEADING of the Spirit: not always the same words, not always the same emphasis. A demonstration of the Holy Spirit‘s flexibility and the Father‘s creativity. Whether in clear words, or simply through our posture, God emboldens us to proclaim and become the needed the Word the world needs. Being a Missionary is not so much about explaining What we do, but Whom we want to make known.

 Lord, as Missionaries, give us listening ears to hear the words that will proclaim You. Bring about in us the desire to witness to You, and embolden us to be You living word. Amen. 

Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!

One thought on “How do you explain Mission (being a Missionary)?”

  1. Praise God! I laughed a little ’cause it IS a common conversation with loved ones and even with random people, but you’re right. When I realize and remind myself who this is all for, the fears disappear and all I want to do is live for Him and speak of His love. Thank you for this, Ellen!!! 😀

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