Household Moments

Yesterday was my upper household for the area, and I had honestly forgotten what we look like as group, and was astounded at how many us there are. I looked at all us together, and was filled with pride for our Lord, I was looking at the area core of the GTA and could just see all of us as part of some kind of engine for God, all of us different parts, of one greater body. However as awe inspiring God is in showing me what my Household looks like together, He also inspires awe in what happens when we are apart. I’m writing this on the Saturday after my HH, I originally had plans to meet up with some of my Household again, but I ended up just staying in my local area, doing errands, and catching up on emails. While I was doing my own thing I also saw whatever one was up to in our group chat, as they were talking about their plans for chapter visits that they and the next. I am use to us serving together, especially at bigger events and conferences, but in this moment of just knowing that across the GTA my household was being an active, and living out our callings in service, I could feel the unity we have not just as members of the same HH, also the unifying nature of our service. As far as I can be from my household, I can always know that we are all in the same mission, and I as lonely as being on mission.
Lord God, I praise and proclaim your goodness, that you are so great and so too are your servants. Lord thank you for giving me my household, a group of soul who serve in your name, Lord thank you for calling me to be with them. 