
902643_10151723269501498_1769770789_o“Comfort, give comfort to my people” – Isaiah 40:1

This week I saw hope, I experienced humanity, I saw goodness, I felt love.
The heart breaking news that we are hearing and seeing the past fews days of what our brothers and sisters are experiencing in the Philippines is truly disheartening.
At work this week, a student came by to submit requisition papers for their club and then he asked me of my ethnicity, as he thought I was Filipino, and when he found out that I am, he immediately asked “Is your family okay in the Philippines?” Here’s a stranger asking if my family’s okay. My heart felt so much hope. Our family in the Philippines lives in an area quite far from the main areas that got affected and completely safe. This brief conversation with this brother, I truly felt God’s reminder of great hope in Him. My immediate family may not have been affected but the ones who got affected are still my  brothers and sisters in Christ. Then he continued saying, “Filipinos are good people. I know some Filipinos. Some of my teachers before were Filipinos. They are nice people.” We shared about the efforts being given to the Philippines, about the countries all over the world coming together to help another fellow country be restored, as he put it, “humanity is restored”.

The Lord speaks to us in many different ways each and every day. He can speak to us through nature, our families, our friends, everywhere, His messages are all around us.

“God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good.” Genesis 1:31
The world that God created is a good place and we are reminded to be good stewards of mother earth. Some question the natural change with the climate and the lengthy debates about environmental issues and climate change but the reality is we have already abused the earth’s resources and that is a fact. There are things that we cannot reverse but there are some things that we can still prevent, so let us start loving mother earth more and thanking the Lord for this beautiful world He has granted us to live in.
We are called to be stewards of His beautiful creation.
Let us love the environment because this is God’s beautiful creation,
a gift of life through nature.

“God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good.” Genesis 1:31
God’s people are good people. The help we are seeing happening all over the world gives us a glimpse of great hope. But what it also reminds us is the goodness of people. Everyone who God created is good. We need to remind each other that we are good people and of the goodness that we can do. Our very nature is good. There is this natural character in people’s heart to help and extend a hand and sometimes we just need to remind each other that we are capable of helping another and be good to one another.
Let us be good reminders to each other of the goodness in us,
with this let us be good to one another.
My brothers and sisters, you are so beautiful.
You are good.
never forget this

Let us continue to pray together and instill hope within one another.
There is hope.
Love is real.
Our God is with us.
Our Almighty Father loves us so much

My sisters and brothers
“Let your light shine” (Matthew 5:16).
Let us let HIS light shine.
God bless us always

and today, we pray the Luminous Mysteries.

 Oratio Imperata
Almighty Father, we raise our hearts to You
in gratitude for the wonders of creation of which we are part,
for Your providence in sustaining us in our needs,
and for Your wisdom that guides the course of the universe.
“We acknowledge our sins against You and the rest of creation.
We have not been good stewards of Nature.
We have confused Your command to subdue the earth.
The environment is made to suffer our wrongdoing,
and now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference.
“Typhoons, heavy rains and floods occur in increasing number and intensity.
“We turn to You, our loving Father, and beg forgiveness for our sins.
We ask that we, our loved ones and our hard earned possessions
be spared from the threat of calamities, natural and man-made.
“We beseech You to inspire us all to grow
into responsible stewards of Your creation,
and generous neighbors to those in need.

One thought on “Hope”

  1. Such a beautiful experience, “Sister Fruit!”
    “Belle Pomme-pomme!”
    God bless your kind and simple heart!
    Keep guiding and inspiring!

    In Him we trust,

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