Honk if you love God

Today was Big Sky Region’s 2nd Car Wash Fundraiser for conference. The youth were out in the sun from 10am-6pm, holding signs and washing cars to raise funds for a lower transportation cost. One of the signs that I had to hold up said “Honk if you love God”.

McPhillips St. is one of the busiest main roads in Winnipeg, and as I held the sign for a short amount of time, I saw many things.

  • I saw people honk -sometimes once, sometimes a lot- which got me to jump and cheer when they did.
  • I saw people delay their honks, once past the signs, they would still push their horns.
  • I saw people hesitate to honk, their hand move over their horn but instead choosing to not push it.
  • I saw people ignore the sign, and just drove by.
  • I saw people read the sign, and drive by –silent.

What struck me, was the number of people honking versus those that did not; the long periods of silence, the lack of honks. How many cars passed by that 8hrs? How many people have read that sign?

Today reminded me, that every second of every day, we have an opportunity to proclaim God’s love. We are given the opportunity each day to share Christ to one another, and praise God we can do so openly, freely, without imminent fear of persecution. In Canada, no matter where we live, if you want to find mission, just step outside into the public, and it is there.

How many more honks would there have been, if more people proclaimed Christ to others?

How many more honks would there have been, if I had proclaimed Christ to others more?

I pray that we never grow weary of this mission, to seek it in the every day, and to be bold and fearless even if it’s as simple as proclaiming that we love God.