Holy Mary, Pray for us.


The Memorare

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to Your protection,
implored Your help, or sought Your intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence I fly unto You, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.
To You I come; before You I stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my petitions;
but in Your clemency hear and answer me.

Invocations to Our Lady
O Mother of Perpetual Help, You whose very name inspires confidence.
Help me, O loving Mother.
That I may be victorious in the trying time of temptation.
Help me, O loving Mother.
That I may quickly rise again should I have the misfortune to fall into sin.
Help me, O loving Mother.
That I may break asunder any bonds of Satan in which I may become entangled.
Help me, O loving Mother.
Against the seductions of the world, evil companions, and bad books.
Help me, O loving Mother.
That I may soon return to my former fervor should I ever become lukewarm.
Help me, O loving Mother.
In my preparation for the Sacraments and the performance of my Christian duties.
Help me, O loving Mother.
In all the trials and troubles of life.
Help me, O loving Mother.
Against my own inconstancy that I may persevere to the end.
Help me, O loving Mother.
That I may ever love You and serve You and invoke Your assistance.
Help me, O loving Mother.
That I may be able to induce others to love, serve and pray to You.
Help me, O loving Mother.
O Mother to my last hour, to my last breath do You ever watch over me.
Help me, O loving Mother.
Prayer for Perseverance

O Holy Virgin Mary, who, to inspire us with boundless confidence,
has been pleased to take the sweet name of Perpetual Help.
I implore you to come to my aid always and everywhere,
in my temptations, after my falls, in my difficulties,
in all the miseries of life and above all at the hour of my death.
Give me, O loving Mother, the desire, nay more,
the habit always to have recourse to You. For I feel assured that if I invoke You with fidelity, You will be faithful to come to my assistance.
Obtain for me then this grace of graces,
the grace to pray to You without ceasing
and with childlike prayer
that I may ensure Your perpetual help and final perseverance.
O Mother of Perpetual Help pray for me now and at the hour of my death.

Have a wonderful day my beautiful sisters and brothers 🙂
God bless us always.
Peace and Love,