His Gazing Eyes

BREATHLESS. OVERWHELMED. What do I do when He keeps testing me? Day after day, it seems like the challenges never end.

Do this, 
Do that, 
Fix this, 
Fix that, 
Be here, 
Be there…
IT REALLY NEVER ENDS. And my realization in all this leads to nothing, but one thing…

I’m not worthy.

The beautiful thing is that it doesn’t stop there. In the middle of all this, the most BEAUTIFUL thing is happening to me… Above all of this, my Father’s eyes gazes upon me.

In my tears, He cries with me…
In my pains, He heals me…
In my struggles, He provides for me…
In all I ask, He continues to answer me…
Through my fears, He embraces me so no harm can come near…
In my heart, He beats within me…

Unworthy as I am, He loves me and sees me as nothing less than precious and priceless.
In my unworthiness, He claims me “irreplaceable.” 

And even in this craziness… I feel so blessed to feel unworthy because my soul yearns to empty itself of me so I can magnify my life with what is Worth…

I feel so blessed to feel broken at the times that I do because I see that I cannot do anything at all; It is He is Who is doing everything in my life through my hands and in my heart.

In His gazing eyes, I want to see what He sees. Pieces of a miracle…

Preciousness in a sinner,
Richness in the poor,
Beauty in what is hidden,
Value in what is simple,
Strength in the weak…

The list goes on…

What I know for sure is that it is a blessing if one can admit that “I am a sinner”…
it is a blessing for one to admit that “I am poor”…
it is a blessing to seek what is hidden…
it is a blessing to be simple…
it is a blessing to be weak…


Because it is the only way we can understand what is precious,
what is truly rich,
what is utmost beauty,
what happiness and true value is,
and how to be strong… 

It is the only way I can see Him and how much I have (and always will) belong to Him through His gazing eyes. So to truly do this, I will state only one claim… To serve in reciprocation of the love He has for me towards Him and my brothers and sisters…

“I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”
(2 Corinthians 12: 15)

“For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong.”
(2 Corinthians 12: 10)

May He always be praised.