Hair Tie and Ticket

There are 2 instances that stood out this week. The first one was on the way home, I decided that I will drop by somewhere first. The weather in Vancouver in the past days had been relatively warm, so while walking I tried to tie up my hair but I realized that I don’t have any hair tie. The whole time walking to the train station I was looking at the ground hoping to find one. (I didn’t want buy one coz I still have a lot in the house). I took the train but did not find one. I went to the bus stop and by this time I was a bit hopeless to find a rubber band or hair tie. I went to the passenger’s line and right there in front of me was a hair tie. I smiled thanking God!

The second one took place when I was about to buy an add-on to my bus ticket since I was going to another zone. I was telling myself that it’s my last cash and when I counted it, it was not enough. When the girl infront of me saw it, she handed me her friend’s ticket who did not go with her anymore. Again I smiled, thanking God!

The Lord really knows everything we need even the simple not so important things. He is always on time – never late and never early.  I know this is also the same with the things that matters more to us, He will be there on time – His time.



“Lord time is in your hands, you are the beginning and h the end. You know everything, you know the perfect timing. Teach me to be patient as I wait for each of your promises to come true and may I always find joy uncovering the gifts the you have for me everyday.”



Philippians 1:29