Got me

It’s been a little over 4 months since returning from the Philippines and really starting life as a FTPW.  It’s sometimes hard to believe just how much has happened, just how much has been accomplished in such a short period of time.  This journey, thus far, has been filled with heartache, with laughter, with victory and with delays.  But the one thing that’s very clear in all of that, is that He’s got me.

This profound, yet oh-so simple reality, is something that can easily be missed.  In the daily grind of life, in the craziness in our heads, in the messiness of our emotions… we can easily forget that our Lord has us and is in control.  But it can be the other way.  If we choose, we can hold on to that fact and walk boldly into this loud and busy world knowing that Christ is with us and within us.

You worry less, you handle things better, you serve with joy and you live in true harmony with those around you.  Sure things might not go according to plan, events might not happen on time and people might let you down… but in the end of it all, God has you.

He always has, He does, and always will.

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Hiii! My name is Evony! I am a Missionary for CFC GMFI serving the youth in Canada. I am shamelessly passionate about life and have an affinity for sheep, clouds, Nuns, sports & scrapbooking. If you want some insight into my psyche, please refer to: Romans 12:12, Matthew 7:7, Mark 14:3-9, Luke 2:19 & 1Corinthians 13...=)

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