Good To Me

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” [1 Corinthians 13:7]

This year’s Singles For Christ True North Conference was a very personal one. You could see it in the eyes of everyone who shared their stories on stage, but just as much in the swelling eyes of those who were sitting, listening, and often times relating. Family is not always the easiest topic to speak about and it’s often the part of our lives that is kept somewhat hidden, especially the chapters that contain a seemingly dark past.

I’m so grateful for those who willingly shared with everyone the joys, and especially the crosses, that their families have carried. The resounding message I got from all their testimonies was that of hope and trust; that regardless of what situation the Lord placed their family in, there was always trust that He gave them what He knew they could handle. Through Him and with Him, they never let go of hope in greater things to come.

My family is like any other family – a mixed bag of the good, the bad, and the ugly – but overall I think I can confidently say that my family has been, and continues to be, happy and abundantly blessed with a lot more of the good than anything else. Dare I say that we’re maybe just short of being your “ideal” family, that is, if there ever was another one next to our Holy Family. Mom is generous and faithful, encouraging me to always do right and putting the family’s needs before hers, taking the burnt toast and the broken egg. Pop always made time to watch my highschool basketball games while working tirelessly to provide for our family, and still never lets a day pass without smothering me with hugs, kisses, and I love you’s even if I quite literally try to push him away. Kuya (older brother) is the patient brother-friend that is always there for me – to protect me, guide me, stand up for me, teach me, or just simply be there when I need him for anything. God has blessed me with exactly what He knew I needed in this life. As different as each family is, whether together, apart, broken, happy, struggling, or whatever the case may be, they have been given to each of us for a very specific reason.

God’s masterpiece, like any other artist’s work, is carefully planned. I believe that every brush stroke in creating our masterpieces was executed with meaning and purpose. The family is truly God’s masterpiece, but as each piece of work is different, so too are our families unique and different. Families come in many different forms and sizes according to His plan. Among all the differences, the constant thing that remains is that no one is exempt from being in a family, we are all called to be in a family – some to create a new family, some to find family in their service, some to discover family in the life as a consecrated religious. In all instances we’re called to love and serve our household, to trust and hope in His plans, and to remember that He is infinitely good to us.

Good To Me – Audrey Assad
Reflection song for Session 1

I put all my hope on the truth of Your promise
And I steady my heart on the ground of Your goodness
When I’m bowed down with sorrow I will lift up Your name
And the foxes in the vineyard will not steal my joy

Because You are good to me, good to me

And I lift my eyes to the hills where my help is found
Your voice fills the night, raise my head up to hear the sound
Though fires burn all around me I will praise You, my God
And the foxes in the vineyard will not steal my joy

Because You are good to me, good to me

Your goodness and mercy shall follow me
All my life, I trust in Your promise