The Lord really does work in such mysterious ways. He also works on His own pace, on His own time to make sure every crack and crevice of His plans are perfect. What He does ask of us in the process is to remain patient and trust that in no time, but His timing, things will work out according to plan.
The past couple months have been very difficult and lately I’ve been feeling very spiritually dry. My prayers started feeling different and attending mass slowly had no affect on me. I became very impatient because I felt that nothing was going right anymore. I tried to avoid everything and I found myself just keeping to myself because I no longer wanted to deal with it.
One day, I received two messages from two sisters, the first message was:
“My child, trust in me. Don’t be afraid to ask Me for the light that I want to pour into your heart and soul. Not only for yourself but for all those I have placed along your path with whom I want you to share the light’s brilliance to. Remember that no matter how dark all might seem around you, My light dwells within you and I am calling you to share it through love and by loving those around you.”
Second message was:
“Sending you a hug, God is still here in your life, even when it’s the middle of the storm.”
The Lord’s timing could not be anymore perfect. I was so blind sighted by the negativity surrounding me, it affected me spiritually, emotionally and physically. Instead of turning to Him, I have the tendency to get sucked into the darkness, not knowing the Lord is simply holding my hand waiting for me to walk back with Him.
I have such a disconnected relationship with the concept of trust and patience. I solely seek the Lord and continue to ask for these two things. Slowly, I started to realize that He’s given me the gifts of piety and understanding. Piety, to slowly but surely devote my whole being (trust, humility and love) to the Lord and to always remain prayerful. To understand that no matter what, the Lord will always account for everything He has and will hand us.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam.