God’s Gift

This month marks my 7th year in Singles for Christ. I attended my Christian Life Program in the Spring of 2010 and had my Dedication on May 2010.

Last Saturday at the Christian Life Program while giving Talk 9: Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit, I was able to somehow look back on the journey that I had with the Lord through Singles for Christ and how He used His gifts, in my case the gift of singing, to bring me closer to Him.

Before there was SFC, I have already been serving in the Church through singing in the choir. The Lord has gifted me talent in singing and that has been my passion. I remember during my university years, I would never skip a practice on both Church choir and College choir even when I am busy in my Nursing studies. The choir was my safe haven. It was also my avenue where I tried to give back to the Lord the best that I can in gratitude to all His countless blessings.

Back when I used to live in Manila during my University years, my neighbor who was a member of Singles for Christ has been inviting me to join the Christian Life Program, which I had refused to go to due to my busy schedule and wrong perception of SFC as a non-Catholic religion. We have another neighbor just across our apartment, who would let his Born Again church mates use his garage for their Sunday worship. They would sing songs, raise or clap their hands, cry out loud or some times utter loud meaningless sounds. And I hated it. I said to myself that I would never do such crazy things.

Then came February 2010. Our family had to migrate to Canada as planned by our parents after my Mom was able to get her permanent resident status. The first month was exciting. Being in a new place, experiencing snow for the first time, and reuniting with mom somehow eased the sadness of leaving the Philippines. After a month, the home-sickness came in. I missed the place where 21 years of my life was spent. I missed my Grand mom and Auntie who took care of me from when I was a baby till I became a man. I missed my friends. I missed the things I used to do and enjoy. One of which was singing in the choir.

One Sunday after attending the Mass, I approached a member of the Choir to inquire about joining. She gladly welcomed me and introduced me to the rest of the Choir and told me that there was actually a Christian Life Program that has just started 2 weeks ago and invited me to come to it first then I can join the choir after I finish the program. The person that I approached was a member of Singles for Christ. How funny it was when the invitation that I had always refused came into realization here in Canada! I joined the CLP and became a member of Singles for Christ. The crazy things that I told myself I will never do are the things that I am not anymore ashamed to do. I became crazy in love with the Lord!

The Lord has used my passion, the gift of singing, to bring me to Singles for Christ. He has brought me into a personal relationship with Him. What I thought was a non-Catholic religion was actually one that enriched my Catholic faith even more. I have embraced the Catholic faith more than I have ever embraced it before!

I served in the Music Ministry as one of the vocalists. Every worship or praise was a life-giving experience.

It was not all perfect life in SFC. I had my challenges and struggles too. There was one point when I felt so desolate, spiritually dry and so far from the Lord. And it was the gift of singing that the Lord has used to bring me back to Him. It happened when I was asked on the spot to help with music in the CLP as no guitarist was available to play music. As I was teaching and playing the song, I had to encourage and give the participants some pointers on how to worship. Knowing that I was spiritually dry that time and yet speaking those words of encouragement to worship our Lord and surrender, it all hit me. Those words were all meant for me. From then on I knew what has kept me in Singles for Christ. It is the encounter with the Lord in every worship, in every song we sing.

Our Lord is ever-generous! He freely gives us gifts. In fact he has given us His only Son for our salvation. He continues to give us gifts through the Holy Spirit. These gifts are going to bring us closer to God. Let us wholeheartedly accept them!

My hope is built in You Lord

There is nothing more I want

And I find my joy in Your grace

I desire to remain in Your arms

Let the heavens sing of Your great love, Father

As Your mercy fall on me

Oh revive my soul and Lord make me new

Let my heart rejoice in You

Holy Spirit, pour and flow Come and rush into my soul!


Published by

Aldin Francis Canobas

“Veritas et Amor vincit – Truth and Love conquers.”