God is With Us

The proof is in the fruitfulness.

I remember a time when CFC-Youth Canada had only one FTPW and it seemed almost hopeless that we would ever have more people dedicate their lives to the mission. Now there are four FTPWs, three more coming who are currently training in the Philippines, seven Mission Volunteers continuing their active discernment to go full time, and  thirteen new individuals in the MV Program discerning to go full time. In total, this year we will have 7 FTPWs and 20 courageous Mission Volunteers who are potential FTPWs. God is so good.

There would’ve been another individual in the new batch of MVs but he has heard a different calling from the Lord at the last minute, and that was to go to the seminary instead. Praise God!

CFC-Youth Canada and Couples for Christ as a whole is truly growing in fruitfulness. It is very affirming for me because yes there are many imperfections, but it seems God is using everything for His glory and is pouring out His graces nonetheless.

The proof simply proves God is with us.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” —John 12:24

My brothers and sisters, may we be like that grain of wheat and die to ourselves for love of God, so that we can bear much fruit in this world in loving our neighbour. This is what it means to be a missionary, to bear fruit and build up the Kingdom of God wherever we are called, and whatever we are asked to do.

Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing to work through me even if I’m so unworthy. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your love. May You continue to bear fruit in my life and in all those I serve and serve with. Amen.