God is Light and Love …

Just realized I’ve been so behind in my blog posting, and so I commence with this blog.  Not really knowing what to write about, I lift up my thoughts to God, seeking what He wants, seeking His inspiration.  Thinking of the Lord, all I can think of, is His GOODNESS, and His LOVE.  I think of His LIGHT, which brings light to the darkness.  He shines through all darkness, for even the darkness is like light to Him … nothing is hidden from His Sight.  And so I am reminded of how good and loving our God truly is.  Today is the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and the homily I listened to today spoke about this LOVE between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, this eternal exchange of LOVE.  And so we, imperfect human beings, who love imperfectly, are called to be part of this eternal exchange of Divine Love, so that we may love the way He loves, so that we may love with His LOVE.  Beautiful eh?  It is God, Who truly teaches us how to LOVE … this LOVE is revealed in Christ Jesus.  We are reminded in today’s Gospel, how God LOVES, by sending His Son to die for all of us.  He teaches us what true LOVE is, through His Son, this eternal Divine Love, this AGAPE LOVE.  Amazing ain’t it?  This all makes sense, because God is so loving, He Himself is LOVE.  So as I continue in my life, seeking Him in this road He has laid before me, I cling to His LOVE, trusting in His loving grasp, entrusting my life to Him, knowing I am in good hands, I am in His loving hands.

Thank You God for being so good.  I love you, help me love you more and more, and teach me how to love the way You love, that I may love others the way you have loved me a sinner.  Yours be the Glory, now and always, AMEN.