
(May 27, 2016)

When I lost it, yeah you held my hand
But I tossed it, didn’t understand
As I dove into the waterfall
[Geronimo by Sheppard]

Believing in God’s plan and presence in my life has always been easy when things went according to plan. But what happens when things get difficult? When I slowly become overwhelmed by the circumstances surrounding me? When I feel as if I can’t do it anymore?
I shut down.

This past weekend I served at the CFC Eastern Regional Conference for the creative of Talk 5. During the time of preparations leading up to the conference, everything was going well. Practices were productive, the creative had become what I envisioned and I was satisfied. But during the conference itself, everything came crashing down. I was called to do things time and time again eventually feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, and by Saturday night I asked myself, “Why did I say yes to all of this, and why do I keep saying yes.”

Why do I keep saying yes?

Simply put, because that is my response to God, a response of faith and belief that this is where God is calling me. That in these difficult moments,  where I find myself left out on a high cliff, I will take that leap of faith.

God doesn’t want our lives to be lived out of convenience, that everything works out the way we want. Rather, he calls us to serve in times where we don’t think we can go any further or we think we have nothing left. Because it is in those times of despair, doubt, fear, anxiety and uncertainty that we cling onto Him even more. Thus allowing the Spirit to fully work in our lives. So if it becomes too difficult, keep moving forward. If it’s overwhelming, keep going. God has great things planned for every one of us.

So cling onto Him as you take that leap of faith.

“Your faith is not measured by what you do in one day, but by how you strive towards eternity in His kingdom throughout your life.”
– Homily on December 1st, 2013.