Fun Factor

There is always time to find the fun time in our service. Not only being always serious but also time to enjoy our journey with our counterparts, couple coordinators and fellow leaders. The experience we have with one another are not just coming from planning events or being at events with one another but the experience come from the fellowship that we have with one another. Today during direction setting we always found time for fellowship with one another even if it is just couple minutes or just staying up playing crazy games and laughing at the out comes that happen. I am truly blessed to be traveling with CFC Youth Edmonton in my discernment to the vocation that God is calling towards. Especially figuring out if he is calling me to missionary life.

Through them they have shown and reminded me that I should not forget to always have fun in my service and my journey with Jesus. That we are here to not to be serious but also add the fun factor to it.

Jesus Calls Us To Have Child Like Heart.