FOG: From Our God

Several weeks ago.. I was blessed enough to attend the North American Leaders Summit in Vancouver (yayy! hehe)
it was a blessed event (fo sho!)
got to meet and be inspired by fellow missionaries who are on fire and set on loving the Lord more uuyy
definitely NALS has pumped us up for what the Lord has in store for us individually and as a community.. as we roll into 2014 chea chea!

But out of all the events and things that happened during NALS week..
the most memorable part is.. the fog po haha
For real! since the day we landed till the day we left.. it hovered over us and encapsulated us like a cloud (legit haha)

Reflecting on the fog.. few things came to mind..
1. Walking dead #ded
2. Zombies!!
3. ..”I guess He didn’t want us to fall in love with BC through nature” haha 😛

but one of the things I got out of the Zombie apocalypse experience was that..
our human powers are not that great po haha
we’ll definitely die if it were to happen po..

There was this one moment during the trip..
after a lovely sushi dinner with beautiful bros and siss, we drove back to our host’s house in zero visibility condition (because of the fog)
and we got lost..
we were on a highway/road and the GPS kept telling us to turn left but there was no road to turn left into..
and next thing we knew.. we were on the highway to Vancouver (which is an hour away) and there was no exit in sight.
All of our GPS just kept saying to turn into streets that did not exist.
but thank God we found a way out of that highway
but unfortunately.. we would end up in the same ramp/bridge..haaaaaa
I felt like some one was playing and making us go in circles because all of our GPS kept saying the same thing (“turn left”) and it felt like we were not getting anywhere close to our destination..

We were all getting scared (who would not be po right? hehe)..
A. There was only 3 of us
B. we were not from that area
C. We could not see anything

We went into prayer mode and decided to go “home” (the house of the driver)
I think even if we kept trying and even if we called for help.. no one could have really helped us at that moment..
because we were scared, worried and flustered.. our human capacity reached a limit and we just wanted to feel safe..

I don’t know if I will make sense here but here it goes..
Home- it was somewhere familiar (at least to one of us in the car, it’s her house)
and I think that’s what the Lord is.. Home.
though we don’t fully understand Him..but we are familiar with Him.
There is a sense of relief and comfort in finding Him..
Like “home”, it’s a safe haven that waits for us..
I remember as we approached the area that looked familiar to the sister.. the worry and sense of unsafeness was relieved..
When we are flustered, scared and lost.. we find the familiarity and safe haven to ease the emotion.. and most of the time it is only in the Lord we can find that.
There are times in my day where I find myself flustered, annoyed and just filled with negativity.. but in those times I find myself refocusing through prayer or going to mass or going to the chapel or sleep..
the Lord becomes our focal point to re-route us and bring a sense of calm and relief in our human-ness.

Forgive me for my poor English po..
I don’t know if that made sense po but at the end of the day..
even though the fog was a pain in the bum and hindered at lot of things..
praise the Lord for it 🙂
it’s all from Him anyways right?
F-O-G —From Our God
hahahahah ayyyy lame joke po hehe

“blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John20:29)
Lord, continue to strengthen us in faith and guide our hearts to find “home” in the midst of zero visibility. Amen.

One thought on “FOG: From Our God”

  1. As a fellow MV and sister serving in the same core, it has been my pleasure to witness your growth in the Lord! It has been such a blessing to serve alongside you, and as the other passenger in that car, I was blown away by how we managed to get through it together. You stayed so calm and helped to get us out of there. Praise God for that hour and a half of being “lost”. We bonded so much over that one moment….so much fear! Haha. You’re awesome Ate! bows~

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