
It sometimes seems so hard these days to stay focused. We get bombarded with so many distractions that our mind and hearts wander to worldly things, desires wants, feelings, wants, which end up resulting doing what we want to do and not the Will of God. There are times when we pray and hear our cellphones get a message, tweet, an instagram notification, a phone call and we itch to see who or what it is. Or how about when we work? For Example, we are assigned a certain task but we notice someone doing something absurd, different, “off”, which makes us quick to judge and we end up forgetting our own task. Or what about when we get distracted by our own personal struggles and feelings of unworthiness? Sometimes we dwell on them for so long that we fail to seek for advice, help, the strength to overcome our crosses.


Distractions. They help us loose focus on the reason why we live each and every single second of the day and experience the things we experience.

This weekend was Big Sky’s firs Executive Readiness Training for Campus Based. Praise God for He is always good and provides. Yes, there is always a  battle, no doubt. But the Lord was simply telling me this weekend,

Focus on me and everything will be on alright. Do what is of my Will and you will find, peace, joy which the spirit will provide. Do what is expected of you and I will do what is expected of me. Don’t worry, for I do not deny who I am.”

When we focus on the Lord, we focus on love, peace, charity, thanksgiving, joy, patience, humility, trust and so many things we cannot explain since our God is so great. When we focus on the Lord, we do not need to worry for He will never forsake those whom He loves and strives to be righteous.

“For the Lord will not forsake His people; for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.” PSALMS 94:14-15

When we focus on the Lord, we see the blessings he abundantly and continuously showers upon us.

Lastly, Like sister Evony Evangelista had told me last night with a chuckle right after, “There is no more need to worry anymore, hehehe.”

Just Focus.

Deo Gloria.






Picture Created by: Robeson Arlegue and Jennifer Rose Garcia (Big Sky YCOM HEADS)

One thought on “Focus”

  1. I definitely needed to read this. Today, more than ever. Praise God for you Kyle! This helped to assure me that with enough prayer and patience, I can always improve where I’m at. Because God’s love, is beyond any of our shortcomings. AMDG!

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