First World Problems

How many of us have been guilty of this? Complaining about how we hate this, or that, just because it was a little inconvenient for us?

I hate when I ask for no pickles, but they still give me pickles
I hate it when my house is so big, I need two wireless routers.

Those are just examples from the video above that puts into perspective how insignificant our problems are when we put them side by side with the real problems in the world. Insignificant is an over statement. Those First World Problems we experience are not even problems at all. They are only slight inconveniences in our days. Even those inconveniences are privileged inconveniences, that privileged people claim.

For almost 4 years now, I have been serving in ANCOP and RevUP, and I have never really sat down and thought about how much I complain about all these little problems. For half of my time in CFC-Youth, I have been actively serving, loving, and interacting with the poor, without even realizing that when I am not with them, I would complain about those slight inconveniences that the people I serve would fight tooth and nail to have. How inconsiderate of me. How selfish of me to think that my problems are bigger than those of the poor, marginalized, and neglected.

This is a reminder to me, and to all of you whom may read this, that our sufferings are nothing, compared to millions of others around the world. If you are reading this on your computer/laptop/cellphone, you are already more privileged than half of the people in this world. You are blessed.

I challenge you all, to be mindful the next time you are about to complain. Are the things you are complaining about, really worth complaining for?

All the glory to God