
It has been awhile since I put something up and it is not because I forgot. Well sometimes it is… But It is me trying to figure out what is happening.

Truly the last month or so have been the hardest for me as a mission volunteer. When my mind really thinks of why I am in this program. Let’s say I haven’t lived up to the standard of what I think an MV is….

But one of the MV I gotten to talk to really up lifted me and it is something she said to me. I can always look back at to really get out the gloomy moods I have been in….

She said this to me.

Someone once told me this, and I feel like it might help you too… “When we’re at the top, we can’t help but be in awe at everything that surrounds us… (like when you’re standing on top of the highest mountain, you can’t help but look down at the beauty that surrounds you), but it’s when you’re at the bottom when you’re even more blessed because you can no longer look down; all you can do is look to the heavens and look to God.”