Feed My Sheep

Short reflection but really something that stuck out to me from serving at CFC conference.

What does it mean to be a Full-Time Pastoral Worker? Since joining this MVA Program I have been trying to answer that question. It’s not exactly simple, there’s a great deal of complexity that goes with that title, but this weekend serving at CFC conference, I got a glimpse of what it might entail.

Program is arguably one of my favorite service roles. It’s often one of the most stressful, as your called to focus on many different tasks at the same time; listening to your clearcom, watching the stage, paying attention to your surroundings. But it always leaves me in awe to see everything come together, like an intricate machine, with many moving parts. At the CFC conference this weekend all the local full-Time workers were in some way serving as part of the program, as tech booth, managers, or in production. The interesting part however is not where they served but rather how they served, because in spite of the stressful roles they were given their hearts were set on caring for those around them, and guiding the entire conference. Even in the midst of their tiredness they would always make time to check up on those around them, to share a conversation, a laugh, or see if they’ve eaten. They made sure to never let the burden of their service affect the love that they gave to those in need. Needless to say I was taken back, and I honor each of them for what they do. This life that they chose, a life that I’m seeking isn’t an easy one, and it opened my eyes to what the “pastoral” means in full-time pastoral worker. To love..  As a missionaries in this community we are more than just event organizers, and managers. We are shepherds of a flock, called to look after those whom the Lord has blessed us with, to pastor and guide. We are called most especially be be a reflection of Christ wherever we are and in everything that we do. This doesn’t just end at being a missionary but rather in all aspects of life, at work, school, with family and friends, we are called to love. Loving isn’t always going to be easy, there are times when the weariness of life will bring us down, and or when we lose sight of those around us because of stress, but we must always remember that we are always equipped to love because of Christ’s love within us. Our love is an outpouring of His love for us, and the more we come to know Christ, the more we imitate Him in all that we do, the better we can love like Him.

What it means to be a full-time pastoral worker may be a complex question, and while I may not have the answer yet, I know it’s foundation is built upon with love. As I reflect on myself, I see that I still have a lot to learn when it comes to being a missionary, but I pray that through deepening my own relationship with the Lord I can learn to share even a fraction of the love He has for me.
