
“Awkward Llamas”. “SFT”. “Intrepidus”. The search (and jokes) for a name for the most recent MV batch continues. One name, however, seems to stick out like a sore thumb to me:  the “Fearless Batch”.

In getting to journey in the lives of the East MV at SHOUT last week, and after a reality check on my own calling, I realized…. there are indeed many reasons to fear the call to Mission.  So many. It is true when they say that mission is beyond ourselves. His Calling is out this world. It really does make us tremble in holy fear.

It’s this fear, however, that draws us closer to God’s embrace.  For 5 days, we worshiped together, lived together,sharpened each other,  RAKed Oakville, Ontario together. Prayed for the Mission. In the midst of all this, we celebrated 2 convocations, and supported a brother through a loss.  I couldn’t help but inwardly exclaim, “this is what a Missionary Family is”. Never alone. Never without purpose. Always One in God’s presence and promises.  Called to proclaim and bring out the joy and love that overflows from hearts surrendered to Him.  There may be much to fear, but always much more cause to celebrate: the Sender of our Mission is the most loving Father of all.


Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!

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