Fear in haircuts

I find that sometimes, I have really bad trust issues. A couple of weeks ago, I first started realizing that I have this problem when my hair was getting really long. If you ask any of my close friends, they’ll confirm that I hate what my hair looks like after a haircut (even if half the time, it doesn’t even look bad)… and so I avoid haircuts as much as possible.

2+ weeks ago, Kuya Kyle offered to cut my hair… It took a few offers since I didn’t trust him to cut it (hehe sorry mentor), but I let him cut it eventually. That’s when I first realized that I don’t trust people enough, especially if there’s a possible outcome that I don’t desire.

If you ask anyone that I’ve served with, they’ll confirm that it’s easy for me to trust others in service, but hard for me to let go of my plans and trust God with His. In this TNC season, it’s honestly been such a struggle for me to keep my cool.

I just want to take this time to honour Nikki Dionisio, Kevin Solis and Sab Espina. Working with them in the Accommodations Team is truly a  rewarding and humbling experience. Praise God for you three!

Sab and I were saying that being apart of this team is also kinda scary. We can’t help but worry about drivers and hosts and time and etc. There’s only so much the two of us can do to help Kevin and Nikki because we’re not from Vancouver. As a team, we’ve encountered so many obstacles and we’re heavily relying on our Vancouver counterparts to bring us through. I’m humbled every day because as my worries are heightened as the days grow closer to TNC, I realize that I simply need to trust God. His voice is so loud and so clear when He says, “I am faithful. Have more faith in Me.

Like the haircut that I’m so afraid of because of what I’ll look like afterwards, there’s so many situations that can lead to undesirable outcomes. And that’s what scares me. Except The Lord is calling me to look past these fears because whatever the outcome of the situation, it will be desirable in the end because The Lord’s plan is always desirable.

Oh Lord, how Your beauty reaches out in the simplest forms and how Your heart beats so explicitly in timing, help me trust that You have everything under control in this life and let me put all my hope in the greatness of Your promise. Amen.

PS. Ask Kuya Kyle how my hair turned out.