famILY <3

Man, truly praise God only for parents!!!! There are really no other people who can understand, accept and AFFIRM of what you’re going through other than them. Yesterday, I received a challenge (I mentioned in my previous post). I was really really scared of how I am going to say this challenge to them. On the way home from work earlier, I was telling myself that if only I don’t have to tell them so that they wouldn’t feel bad about themselves, so that they won’t blame themselves, so that they don’t have to go through the heartaches. My parents already have so much in their hands so I was really really scared of telling them. But you know that brothers and sisters, ahhhhh parents are truly God’s blessings like no matter what we have done they are always there willing to accept you and remind you that you are their son/daughter and therefore they will always love you. I think that this setback is a blessing in disguise because this is the first time I have opened up to my parents in such a long time. Yeah, I told them about applying to MV but I haven’t really told them my future goals and such. I’m hoping that this situation will be the beginning. It’s very hard for me, even to my parents, to share because I am very reserved, secretive person in that even my friends don’t know what’s going in my life (the deeeeeeep stuff). Even though I didn’t want to tell my parents, I felt like I had to as an obligation to them as their son.

This situation brought me think back to our MV meeting last Monday where the topic was on family led by Kuya Gelo. He asked us how is your family, what are some victories/struggles and then he asked us what are your plans for your family and how does this translate into your passion for service. I said that there are times especially during vacations that I wish I wasn’t with my parents because of differences in what I want to do and where I want to go versus theirs. But I also mentioned that I hope in the future that I’ll always have respect and love for them no matter what. I’m not a perfect son, there are hurtful words/phrases said, hurtful actions done and hurtful thoughts but with this setback I was truly reminded of the importance of family, of my parents. They say that who you are outside home reflects to who you are inside the home. To my friends, I am not that open. A brother/friend had to repeatedly tell me that “how I am supposed to be your friend if you’re not telling me your problems.” Through this experience, I just hope that I can start to truly embrace the role that God has given me in my family. My family’s not perfect and for most times I blamed them for how I act in our family but I know that they are/will always be my no.1 supporters, fans of my life, that they will always be there for me. As I shared to my parents this setback, both of them really affirmed me. My dad kept saying “you are good boy, you’re doing good. The best is yet to come, son…” My mom said that “don’t worry about us, you’re my child. I’m here, just always be open to us.” That’s what I really needed to hear to be at least relieved from the pain, heartache. I am truly sorry for all I’ve done against my parents, for neglecting them. I hope that this situation will truly transform, strengthen my relationship with them. I know with them by my side, I will be stronger.

Ahhhhhhhhh, truly PRAISE GOD for parents!!!!!!!! <3

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13