
Ever since I started really committing my own time into the community, it was only natural that I dreamed and began to pray for my own parents to make their way back in the community (My parents used to be CFC). It’s often rumbled in my own head if its something really for them, or if their experience in CFC really helped them. Note, If your parents are in CFC, cherish that. There are a lot of us praying for our own families to give the community we love a chance.

Anyways, I’ve always tried to be big on being an example to my family first. Especially my parents. I really want them to know that I’m convicted that the Lord works in my life through this community. I actually do let them know anything and everything (PG for getting over that), and I’m open to letting them know I’m praying for them.

And I guess here is where the blessings and tiny miracles happen…I know, you’re probably thinking, well…this guys weird. His parents aren’t even involved in the community.

Well that is wrong. They are immersed in my life and the God that is present in it through the examples the community has placed for me AND me to them. I can say straight up, CFC works. Even if my parents aren’t active in it for the time being, I really appreciate that it was CFC that has done its job in planting a seed and allowing my parents to be active in the faith even if time does not permit them being in the community itself.

With my cousin who has just left for mission in Israel, imagine the impact it made on our families. That all our work in the community finally got to this point where they were able to see one of us go with the heart convicted in the family ministries. That we are taking the steps that no one ever thought we’d take. Praise the Lord for the humility it takes for our families to be witnesses to the Lord’s calling in us.

So where are you trying to get at? It seems pretty scattered..

Let’s be examples to our families as much as we are servants in this community. If we are convicted so much in wanting to serve the Lord in CFC-Youth and it’s family ministries, then we won’t forget our own family at home. You never know where its going to lead. My own family is NOT involved with CFC at the time being, but with the examples we place, the love we put forth from everything we’ve learned in this community, I’m glad to say there has been change in how involved my parents are in my own life and their own spiritual life. Who knows where it will go from here…

but I’m going to keep pushing until the wheels fall off. 

Lord, allow me with the utmost humility and perseverance to be an instrument of Your word. To be a witness and example of Your work in my life, to my own family. Allow me to carry on with the mission recognizing that You are working even when I cannot see. To recognize that You are calling them, as how You have called to me. 

Deo Gloria