
Some days I find myself looking back at the friendships I’ve had with some people, and although they say “cherish the memories”, I always wondered why the best friends I had back then are not even acquaintances to me today. It’s quite heartbreaking when I think about it.

Growing up I’ve learned to separate my emotions from reality (if that makes any sense). In other words, as years went by, “losing” friends no longer meant anything to me.. So I react the best way I know how, to stay quiet. But during those times where I draw a blank face, I get quite angry. Angry because I thought that God was looking out for me.. But why is He taking away these people in my life whom I thought had so much importance to me?

Funny enough, the Lord kindly reminded me of His plans as I opened my Bible this morning..

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus – Philippians 4:19

I may have lost numerous friends the past couple years, but what I fail to remind myself is that God’s plans are far more important and He wants to succeed in doing so, nothing will stop Him. Even if it means that my friendship count drops from 10 to 1.

“Find people that will only help you move forward, not backwards. Or in my case, help me move closer to Christ and not away from Him.

Lord, thank you for reminding me that there are better things in life than artificial/materialistic needs. Thank you for reminding me that friendships does not have to come at any cost, as long as our friendship surrounds You. Please continue to guide and support me in making the right decisions in making and keeping friends that lead by example. Away from temptations and away from tantalization. Amen

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9