Faith, Hope, and Charity

The CFC GMC (Global Mission Centre) Pilgrimage consisted of visiting several churches in Laguna and doing the Stations of the Cross at each one. I was blessed with an opportunity to share my reflection of the 13th Station of the Cross with the GMC pilgrims during one of the Church visits.

The Thirteenth Station – Jesus’ Body is Taken Down from the Cross and Given to His Mother

Moments after Jesus’ death, His body was taken down from the cross and given to His mother. This particular moment is best captured by Michelangelo’s ‘Pieta’. Here, we see Mary’s sorrow, compassion and love for Jesus.



Every time I look at the Pieta, I remember that Jesus died for my sins. I think it’s important to remember that Jesus died for me and that He loves me. But I also think that there is more that the Lord is calling me to recognize. 

Mary knew that despite the sorrow and confusion she must have felt, she still believed that death was not the end. In the same way, as His beloved, she wants us to share in her faith, hope and love in and of her Son and His plan for us (and humanity). 

May we have faith when things seem impossible, hope in the fruitfulness of our trials, and love in all circumstances. 

Faith, hope and love, being the three theological virtues, come from God alone. They cannot be earned but instead, are freely given (similar to grace). They are gifts of grace from God. These virtues, like grace, builds upon nature. I have to do my part in taking care of and nurturing these gifts. But I also have to humble myself to ask God for these virtues and for His help to grow in them. I’ve realized that these virtues are essentials in living my life. Without proper formation, I would be lost! My relationship with the Trinity would be dead!

Mary, being the Mediatrix of All Graces, is then the one I can turn to. She will not only dispense these graces (virtues) to me but shows me by her example in what faith, hope and love is! Isn’t it amazing how we pray for an increase of these virtues in the first 3 Hail Mary’s of the rosary?

Pray for us O, Holy Mary, Mother of God, that we may become worthy of the promises of Christ!