EYES ON the “ice cream”

Praise God for the successful Singles for Christ True North Conference 2017!

It has been 9 days now since the TNC ended and I’m missing it so much. People ask what do I like most about TNC or which part was most memorable for me. I loved the talks especially because it has helped me understand better and appreciate more the Catholic faith. I loved the testimonies of our religious Brothers and Sisters and the Priests because they inspired me to pray even more and really discern for my vocation. The most memorable part for me was leading the conference band.

I have served as a member of the conference band as a vocalist for two consecutive years in 2011 Whistler and 2012 Ottawa Conferences. I have learned so much from my leaders and band mates and have enjoyed the friendship that the band has developed. We became a family and until now, each time we see each other at events or gatherings, we would rekindle the blessed times we’ve spent serving through Music Ministry and the fun memories we’ve shared.

This time it was a little bit different. I was asked to be the head of the conference band. Oh boy did all the questions, doubts and mixed emotions gushed and flooded my mind! I was excited as that was the first time that I will be leading a conference band. I was excited at the thought of meeting new people and making new friends. I was excited to make use of the talent that the Lord has gifted me with to glorify Him. I was excited of the message that the Lord has for me during this TNC.

There were doubts too. I am not a guitar player. I can play in emergency situations when no one can play the guitar but I will just usually focus on vocals. Usually, it is the acoustic guitarist that will lead the Conference band as he will know when to prompt or cue and he has more knowledge in the instrumental aspect of the band. I did question my appointment but I prayed and just trusted that the Lord will equip me for it. So with confidence in the Lord’s provision, I followed and accepted the mission He gave me.

Then came our practice days before the TNC. Finally, we were able to meet each and everyone face to face and the band was able to practice as one group. We started day 1 with a prayer and dinner then opened the practice with a worship. We did a get-to-know activity introducing ourselves by our names, sharing about our family and service, and what do we love most about our respective areas. We had a brief orientation and overview of our practice schedule, the conference, and the expectations from the members of the band. We did 2 sets of worship songs and the practice went well. We ended our night in a fun board game with one person sniffing a shoe and the other doing a hula dance!

Day 2 came. We had our wake up call at 6 am, had our personal prayer time, attended to hygiene then ate breakfast. By 8 am we had our morning worship. After morning worship, to wake us up because we have been fasting from caffeinated, carbonated and sweetened drinks, we did a game entitled “Protect the President.” We had so much fun during the game! Then we proceeded to a short walk around the community, rested for a bit when we returned home, then proceeded with practice.

We had the whole repertoire of worship songs to practice for the day till 4 pm. In the middle of practices, there were moments when we will feel tired, or will voice out suggestions, or give corrections, or will crack jokes or sort of play around practice time. With the short time left to finish the songs, I found myself losing patience, entertaining doubts in my head, belittling myself, questioning my anointing as head of the band and only seeing that there are other musicians more capable of leading the band than I can. I knew I was being attacked by the enemy. So deep inside me I fervently pray that the Lord take those thoughts away. I was reminded again of the expectations we laid at day 1: be excellent, yes and still enjoy and encounter Christ in everyone.

From then on, I loosened up a bit and learned to trust more in the providence of the Lord. I was reminded of the two sisters close to Christ, Mary and Martha, who in their own ways showed their love for the Lord. I saw myself leaning towards more to Martha focusing on the technicalities of tasks I need to accomplish than encountering the Lord as to how Mary did. I needed to have a balance of both. We made sure we had break times. We played games and laughed so hard! We attended mass and recollection. We had a short day trip for ice cream. We dine out. We had nap time. We had bubble tea. We shared about our lives. We had fun. We indeed encountered our Lord!

TNC day came when all our efforts, prayers and preparations will finally be put into action. I was excited and at the same time nervous. But the sight of our Blessed Mother right from where I stand in the band gave me so much reassurance, encouragement, peace, and joy that we will be well taken care of. The sight of our Lord on the Cross reminded me of the real purpose of my passion and mission. I was just all eyes on Him the whole time we played music and led worship.

It has been 9 days now since the TNC ended and I’m missing it so much but I know that the experiences and the relationships built have not ended but still is ongoing leading us even closer to Christ.

I will forever be reminded of our band’s  favorite version of the Liveloud song Eyes On: “Eyes on the ice cream pressing on, looking forward to McKay’s.” The journey continues and I’m keeping my eyes on the “ice cream,” which is heaven.

Our prize is eternal, 
into your direction forward to reach our home 
Shake off our chains, the sins of our past 
Will fade in Your awesome love

Lord, Your grace speaks true love
None can fathom Your ways
In every stride, we take by faith
As we give our all to You

Eyes on the distance pressing on
Looking forward to that day
When every heart sings out Your name
Our lives will pave the way

For You, for You
We live for Your name's sake
In You, in You
Our lives won't be the same


Published by

Aldin Francis Canobas

“Veritas et Amor vincit – Truth and Love conquers.”