Espionage and Mission

Back in the day I used to be a big fan of espionage-themed shows like Alias and Nikita.  Something about the “covert”, “secret” lifestyle of spies and moles really drew me in. The deception, the government conspiracies…all these were exciting to me.

Each day in Full-Time Work feels like an episode of these shows.  Every turn of day, I get briefed by Big Boss, where He runs the “Op. Tech”, shadows me on coms while I complete the Mission.  If I go of the script, repercussions do happen, but inevitable every twist in the plot ends in a hopeful ending.  Repeat two to three times a day.  Being in Mission is truly nothing short of a divine adventure:

  • It requires allegiance to and trust in greater cause (CIA Christ)
  • It celebrates victories that are not merely your own, but more those whom you serve. (love of country love of people of God)
  • It requires complete surrender. (witness protection program for loved ones? #Goddoesntneedthat)

*Cue For This Cause (Hillsong)

Lord, I trust you with Everything. Help me to be always single-minded for You. 




Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!

One thought on “Espionage and Mission”

  1. <3

    One passage comes to mind when I read this… Philippians 3: 13:

    "Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,"

    God bless, Ellen! You're inspiring! 🙂

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