Dream On

Here we go. Stay with me.

A lot of early philosophers (I forget exactly who :p) developed the concept that the most accurate representation of anything that we consider to be real, can never be truly expressed through our subjective view on any given object or thing. Since we’re limited by our senses and our own subjective understanding on what we observe, we are unable to accurately experience anything in its purest form, which is simply any given object or things idea of itself.

Put simply, if we consider a chair to be real because we observe it with our senses, it is still not the purest representation of that chair. The purest representation of that chair would be the idea of the chair itself.

The idea of something is what makes it real, not our ability to perceive it in our subjective reality.

I firmly believe that God’s ultimate expression of love for us is given in the form of free will. What’s interesting about free will is that just because we experience the ability to think and choose, we are still limited by the potential of human understanding and capability. If we didn’t have this limitation then we would be all knowing and all powerful just like the Lord.

So although we’ve been granted free will, it has been given to us within a closed system of human understanding and capability. Closed systems can be consistent, yet never complete.

The beauty of God’s gift of free will is that He allowed for us, within human understanding and capability, to have the ability to imagine. Our imagination is something that we seem to severely take for granted. If reality is based on the idea or concept of an object or thing, rather than our ability to perceive it within our subjective reality, then God has essentially granted us the power to create new realities through our imagination.

This is why having vision in this community is so important.

When we’re called to lead, when we’re called to serve the Lord, He’s basically asking us to dream.

Vision for yourself
Vision for your family
Vision for your household
Vision for your community

– Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries”

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