Do you love Me? – Lord

Last weekend I attended my first SFC Mountain Region Regional Conference in the city of Calgary with the theme of Love More (John 21:15-17).

Going into a conference for the first time wouldn’t normally evoke any emotions other than being excited (at least for me) but of course The Lord didn’t just want me to be excited. Even though it was my first time, He already wanted me to serve Him, as Praisefest leader (for the second consecutive weekend, first one during RYC which was the weekend before).

When our SFC Area CC messaged me and said that I’m chosen as one of the worship/Praisefest leaders, I was really like shocked. Doubts clouded my thoughts. But it’s not like I could say no. The service team discerned for me (despite not telling me beforehand that they were). This happened during RYC prep so I didn’t pay much attention. Then a Kuya/Tito messaged to ask me about my song list (from a pre-determined pool). Another challenge was that I haven’t even heard one of the pre-determined songs, a slow one (“From Within”), before but I didn’t mind it. As the ReCon weekend was approaching, I started to prepare for my Praisefest. However there was no outline so I didn’t know what my exhortation would be based on. I thought that maybe I’ll use the same one from the Praisefest I led during RYC (which I ended up using except I attacked my sharing differently to relate to the ReCon’s theme). I listened to “From Within” so I can learn the lyrics, (maybe) incorporate the meaning of the song into my statements and to reflect on it as well. The lyrics of the song are beautiful. I was even saying to myself that this is the song someone who’s discerning for FTPW, or religious life would song and relate to. Though I had doubts, The Lord simply was asking me “Arvin, do you love me? Then tend my lambs.” (Like when He asked Peter). Even before ReCon (from the beginning of my life), He was already asking me that question.

One of my other highlights from ReCon was being able to dance for The Lord with my SFC YEG bros and sisters. Though I’m not pro at it, it was really a good experience to do that again especially since it’s been a while. Despite almost not finishing the piece, having incomplete attendance at practices, starting late, God truly provides. For a bonus, t’s really His grace that allowed us to win against Calgary dance teams. I was just really #happy (haha) to be able to dance for Him again.

Overall, again like I said earlier I was excited coming to my first ReCon. It was definitely a meaningful weekend. I thought that I wouldn’t have fun at a SFC ReCon especially from a CFCYouth perspective (not judging though, lol) but God worked and revealed a different vibe of fun to me. It was also different because I was a participant (not part of the service team) so I got to listen to all sessions and participated (especially during Adoration) without worrying if things are running smoothly. Club Praise was another highlight (sooooo fuuuun, :)).

I mentioned that this ReCon was meaningful because it allowed me to reconnect with my life especially in how The Lord loved me (one of the activities was to list 2014 victories) and how He wants me love more (another activity was to list the people in my life who i should love more).

This weekend The Lord truly reminded me on the fundamental question He’s been asking me throughout my life. I know my actions would speak that I may not love Him but He already knows that. He already knows that I’m weak. But as long as I point my weaknesses to Him, I know that He’ll guide me. It’s a way/form of love when I entrust my entirety to Him. I know there’s more ways to love Him. I just have to always remember that He loved me first and that nothing I do could ever surpass His love for me. That His love is an inspiration for me to love Him back, to love myself, my family, friends, bro/sis in Christ, etc.

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13