
It’s so easy to get distracted now a days. The evil one is very good at making things seems like they are worth giving “attention” so that you think you invest time, but really you waste time. He does a very good job at causing your heart to feel uneasy, bothered, anxious, and not at peace. But at the same time, he is also good at deceiving your heart making it think its at peace, but really its not. Really, your heart is not one with Christ.

How do we stay focused on the Lord? We pray. We discern. We consult others and seek for advice… BUT not everyone is fit to help and give advice. You must pray and discern about that too.

Bottom line, we need to continue to have that personal relationship with Christ and continue seeking Him for advice to move forward and be one with the Spirit so that we may be at peace, the right PEACE.

As Saint Augustine States: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our Heart is restless until it rests in you.”