Deus fit homo ut homo fieret Deus

There is one verse from the Bible that stood out to me today:

“You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
– Matthew 5:48

Our Father is perfect, but He knows we aren’t. He, however, still knows that although we are not perfect, we are capable of change. Therefore, He is calling us out of our imperfections and calls us to His perfectionI know I cannot be perfect in this world because only God is perfect. Nevertheless, I know that I must strive to be perfect – strive to be Christ-like – because it is in our efforts and true sincerity that He sees Himself in us. It is in goodness that others see God. It is also through striving in His works… in good works… that we become like our Father, in truth and in love.

Deus fit homo ut homo fieret Deus.
God became human so that man might become God.

He became man so that we can have an example to follow as we continuously strive to be like Him. No matter what the circumstance… no matter what the failures, I know that my God continues to call me so that when I fall, nothing can stop me from getting back up and continuing to take the next step forward, closer to Him.