Desire for Heaven

Most of the time my problem is not knowing what I need to do, it’s having the desire to do it. The problem is not anyone or anything, not even my circumstances; it’s my heart. I do desire to be in Heaven but am I living in a way that truly shows that?

It’s definitely important to always keep the end in mind because it puts perspective on the now and provides wisdom to live a virtuous life, but I find that I lose focus more often than not. I know that I’m losing focus when I start settling for worldly things and reject inconvenience for the sake of others, and when I settle for being comfortable. If I desire Heaven, then my path should not be one of convenience and comfortability.

If I desire Heaven, then I must keep my eyes on Jesus Christ because He is the only Way to get there. I must keep my eyes on the prize which is the upward calling in Him. More than just seeking, the feet of my heart need to move forward. I must follow Him. However, to follow Christ is to deny myself and take up my cross daily. This is no easy task. The path to Heaven is the path of Calvary.

In Heaven, God is the only desire. He is all in all. I cannot desire anyone or anything else. If I do, then I need to be purified. That is why there is purgatory, to purify us completely to be fit for the perfection of the New Jerusalem. But before purgatory, we have the opportunity here on Earth to unite our suffering to Him and rely on His graces found in the Sacraments. I should not ignore this tremendous gift!

As Christians, we embrace suffering because it purifies our desires. We praise God for suffering because it unites us closer to Him (if we choose). If I do not have the desire to embrace my cross, then I do not have the desire for Heaven.

“Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent.” –St. John of the Cross

My Jesus, fill me with Your joy as I hope in You. Amen.